
Eating out when you are on vacation can sometimes seem like an impossible task, especially when you are in unfamiliar territory. So we’ve made some picks of locally run places from throughout the region that regularly get good reviews and are popular with locals. But don’t simply trust the reviewers; go with your gut and you just might discover your new favorite place.

Maine’s Lakes and Mountains have great places to eat around every turn. You’ll always be able to find exactly what you’re craving; whether it’s iconic Maine lobster with drawn butter, or an espresso coupled with a chocolate croissant. Go upscale and hit a fine dining establishment and indulge in culinary excellence. If casual is more your speed, there are plenty of pubs, steakhouses, and family restaurants. Burgers to filet mignon, pizza to elaborate salads, Maine’s Lakes and Mountains is sure to please every palate.

Below are a few suggestions to get you started on your dining adventure.

A sampling of restaurants & Pubs

Ways to Adventure

Plan Your Trip

Maine’s Lakes and Mountains offers a variety of resources to help you plan your next visit, including an annual visitor’s guide, stand alone map, and the new Adventure Guide App.

Visitor's Guide

Our Free Visitor's Guide will help inspire your next adventure along our mountain trails, lakes, scenic byways, bustling towns and more.

Map of the Region

Companion to the Visitor Guide, our dual-sided planning map will help you find your way to adventure in every season throughout the region.

Adventure Guide App

The App will point the way to all kinds of adventures, experiences and destinations in Maine’s Lakes and Mountains with GPS location maps and alerts.

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